Services. Neighborhood Revitalization

Sparking the soul of your community to ignite engagement and prosperity

At Bold-Sky, we believe that a vital neighborhood reflects the beauty and individuality of the place and its constituents. It honors the past by reflecting its history while embracing the future by preparing for growth.

We take a community-oriented, market-driven and visually captivating approach to neighborhood revitalization. Drawing on a decade of experience in private sector business and neighborhood development, we help businesses and neighborhoods navigate development to maximize their return on investments while uplifting the whole community.

Because we believe that communities must operate as interdependent ecosystems to thrive, we focus on discovering what unifies key stakeholders, building bridges, and fostering collaboration. Together, we cultivate a shared vision that embodies the essence or soul of the neighborhood and bring it to life through a set of concrete goals and action items.

Bold-Sky has the expertise and the passion to help communities discover their unique voice, vision and path toward prosperity.

Revitalization methodologies

Building a neighborhood identity is a four-stage process:

  1. Discovery: We examine your past and your present from multiple perspectives. What is your neighborhoods vision? How is it perceived? Who are the stakeholders? What is the history of your neighborhood? What makes it special?
  2. Identity Workshop: We conduct an interactive workshop with a key group of primary stakeholders. We help you craft the central themes of your neighborhood’s story.
  3. Report: We issue a report that highlights our revitalization recommendations and documents stakeholder findings, with regard to your neighborhood’s identity.
  4. Design Plan: We craft a map that illustrates how your neighborhood will visually and operationally reflect and manifest the above recommendations.